
The Last Thread Excerpt

"The Last Thread" is currently touring aaaaaallllll over the world. hoorah. Ill post the whole thing summer 2010 when were done mailing it all over creation.
So Far:
Auburn Intntl. Festival for Children, Australia.
Bradford animation festival, UK (panoramic)
LA Childrens film festival, US.
GIRAF Animation Festival , Cananda. - Honoroable Mention, International Touring Package selection
BUFF Int. Film Festival, Sweden.
ANIFEST Int. Animation Festval, Czech Republic Official Selection.
FIlm Festival Zlin 2010 - Czech Republic Official selection
Tindirindis International Animated Film Festival 2009, Lithuania- Official Selection
Festival Tofuzi 2010-Batumi, Georgia - Official selection
animasyros 3.0, Greece - Official selection
Red Stick International Animation Festival 2010, U.S. - Official Selection
Aniwow 2010, Beijing China- Competition Finalist Selection


Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,

I saw 'The Last Thread' at Sheffield No Limits Film Festival (UK) last month and just wanted to say how awesome it was! Particularly when I found out that you'd done most of it of yourself as I was expecting it to have taken a small army to make the film. Do you have any more projects lined up, that'll hopefully make it over to the UK festival circuit?

All the best,

Andrew Oldbury

Liz Skaggs said...

Hi Andrew,

Thanks so much for the compliment! I am gearing up to start a new film this year, since the last thread is now officially too old to run the festival circuit any more. so maybe we'll bump into each other in the festival world some time next year

Best Luck!

Anonymous said...


That's great news. I look forward to seeing your new film when it's done.

All the best,


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